CentralTrak presents Teen Dream by Brainfood’s Ean and Erik Schuessler

January 21, 2016By erikActivities, Blog

Teen Dream As part of CentralTrak’s current exhibition, The Zine Society Library, Dallas-based brothers and business partners Ean Schuessler and Erik Schuessler will speak about how making zines as teenagers evolved into a legitimate and respected profession. Zine-making and zine-consumption was a significant format for artists and activists to share info, find and identify subcultures … Read More

Cirque du horror poster art

September 20, 2014By erikActivities, artwork, Design Stuff

Well I didn’t have much time to do this but I think it turned out pretty good it’s for a Halloween show at the Texas theater. Sort of like a variety show music and little scenes and skits you know funny but spooky. Not too sure if I can make it actually you’re not going … Read More

and so it begins

July 17, 2014By erikActivities, My Place

I feel like I am doing something really dumb trying to sand all of this crap myself but heck why not? So far I am making good progress but man it is a bit of a hill. Also I got dusty as hell last time.

Better late than frozen

February 8, 2013By erikActivities, artwork 1,280 Comments

Whew. Busy couple weeks recently. While it is a little crazy busy, the good news is there are some fun creative projects afoot in the Brainfood world. We are currently doing some neat much more mobile integrated projects. I am making it a pledge to post more often. I did a shoot for work up … Read More

Mega table almost done

December 5, 2012By erikActivities, Blog, My Place 1,629 Comments

Living in the outer rings of the cliff is really peaceful and quiet. A bit unusual but I am getting acquainted with it. The place I live in is damn fine and I am still scratching my head about people paying the big bucks in fancy “old oak cliff” ain’t it funny? Seems like only … Read More

One day closer to big fun.

October 23, 2012By erikActivities, Blog, Design Stuff 1,636 Comments

There is a certain excitement when it comes to creating something, especially when it is something for your own company. There is a certain level of ownership that is sometimes lost when you are working for a customer. I am not saying that the work you do for customers is somehow less important or not as … Read More

What is scary?! Did a guest talk at Pecha Kucha.

October 18, 2012By erikActivities, Blog

The early afternoon scramble trying to cobble together ideas and thoughts ensuring a good lecture was one of the most white knuckle moments of the evening. My brother Ean Schuessler and I worked diligently trying to figure how to make this scramble of information somehow make sense to us and hopefully later that evening to our … Read More